Coach Mark

Text 404-312-9260

Mark writes and speaks on advanced concepts in human performance.

Mark has been an avid athlete since arriving in the US from Sweden. He played three team sports in high-school, two in college, and a handful of competitive activities in early adulthood. He went on to become a teaching pro in racquetball.

Perhaps even more than playing, Marks enjoys coaching and studying related topics. He still coaches baseball. And he writes and speaks on advanced concepts in human performance.

Mark picked up the pickleball addiction a few years ago. He's won and medaled in a range of tournaments and actively competes in senior events.

He is a certified PPR instructor who loves the challenge of helping players get the most out of their abilities. "There's nothing more satisfying than helping people break through to the next level — getting them to experience that 'A-ha!' moment."

Whether you're just getting started with pickleball or would like to accelerate onto competitive paths, Mark would love to help.

Private Lessons

Private lessons are carefully customized for each client. To make the most of your time, Mark always pre-plans detailed curriculums for every session, to include (where appropriate) homework and suggested practice regimens. Show up ready to advance and we'll take it from there!

Private Lesson Rates

  • 1 Player: $100

  • 2 Players: $150

  • 3 Players: $180

  • 4 Players: $200

  • Lesson Packages Available

To Book a Private Lesson

  1. Contact Coach by Text or Email

  2. Coordinate Day/Time for Lesson

  3. We will add to our calendar, which will generate a Registration Link on this page

  4. Click the Link to Register, Pay and Schedule Lesson

Register & Make Payment
After you confirm with coach, we will add a Registration link below.